West Nautical is now accredited to accept cryptocurrency
West Nautical is now accredited
to accept cryptocurrency
West Nautical is now accredited to accept cryptocurrency

West Nautical is delighted to announce that they are now fully accredited to accept cryptocurrency in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or Tether (USD₮) for all superyacht services including sales, charters, management and all owners’ services. West Nautical clients will be sent a live crypto payment link, which will allow clients to open and execute the crypto transfer at a spot price. There is also no limit on the total crypto amount they will accept.

West Nautical is a full-service superyacht company providing services including sales, charter, yacht management and crew recruitment. While the head offices are located in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, they also have offices in the international yachting hubs in France, Italy and the Balearics.

With the huge rise in crypto investment worldwide and the value increasing, it was only a matter of time before crypto found its way into the superyacht industry.

West Nautical have partnered with HAYVN, a highly regulated digital asset financial firm (regulated in Abu Dhabi, Switzerland, Australia and Cayman Islands).

West Nautical have found that Tether (USD₮), a stable cryptocurrency backed 1:1 to the U.S. dollar, is the most suitable coin for clients’ payments needs as the price is not volatile due to the fact that it doesn’t fluctuate like BTC or ETH. We however have ensured clients have access to the top coins of BTC and ETH too.

The main advantages of a crypto payment compared to a normal payment are:

- The speed of settlement (minutes as opposed to days for a traditional bank transfer)

- Borderless (the speed and lack of complication of settlement is the same no matter where the payment comes from)

- The anonymity (allowing for discretion to a higher net worth clientele)

For more information about West Nautical and the services we offer to Superyacht owners and the industry, please visit https://westnautical.com

Please contact us on info@westnautical.com for further information about how to work with us using cryptocurrency.

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